A note on how to browse this blog and (perhaps) avoid confusion

As written in the very first post, when I started this project I wasn't very familiar with the process of setting up a blog. As I built it some bits were successful and ended up looking the way I expected, others... less!
Please refer to the Blog Archive in the menu bar on the right to better explore this blog. Posts often have descriptive titles, namely: - "On the field" entries refer to my random explorations of Oxfordshire -- and beyond. - "FolkRec" posts feature my (rigorously non-professional) folk recordings. - "Flowchart" entries display attempts to use the concept of flowcharts to describe aspects of life -- decisions, indecisions and resolutions. - "ScienceCom" posts focus on the themes of science communication and education. Unclassified entries are labelled in this way for a reason: they are totally random in content.
Please do leave comments if you fancy.
Thank you!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

FolkRec - Month of January

I have known this song for a while, although it didn't strike me as one of my favourite tunes. Oddly, I could still remember the melody - even though I learnt it from a very talented Irish singer some five years ago.
Over Christmas I felt like challenging myself with something new: why not with this one then? I diligently memorised the lyrics, I thought of how I would like to sing it and eventually came up with a-sort-of-final version of this melancholic Irish song. The timing was quite right as well: "Month of January", a recording that would appear as a January blog entry... Or maybe not. January and February passed; March came and I thought "Well, it's almost spring now, I guess I'll wait for next year to post this song" - once again, bad prediction! Today I woke up and saw the snow gently falling down, covering roofs, trees and lawns.

... It's now or never! Thank you for listening.

Last but not least, happy Saint Patrick's Day!!